Doreen Valiente 1922-1999

This site is dedicated to the memory of Doreen Valiente, the Mother of Modern Witchcraft. Today Wicca is the fastest growing religion in the Western world and this is largely due to the prolific writing, in-depth research and personal integrity of Doreen, who gave and is still giving so much to the Craft.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Pagan Federation

The Pagan Federation was founded in 1971 to provide information on Paganism and to counter misconceptions about the religion. The Pagan Federation works for the rights of Pagans to worship freely and without censure. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Britain is a signatory, states: 'Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.'
Doreen Valiente was a strong supporter of the Pagan Federation, and an honorary member, and gave her time freely to give talks at their annual conferences, in her last address to the National Conference of the Pagan Federation, held at Fairfield Hall in Croydon, London on the 22nd November 1997, she stated that:
"The initiates of the ancient pagan Mysteries were taught to say 'I am the child of earth and Starry Heaven and there is no part of me that is not of the Gods". If we in our own day believe this, then we will not only see it as true of ourselves, but of other people also. We will for instance cease to have silly bickering between covens, because they happen to do things differently from the way we do them. This incidentally is the reason why I eventually parted from Robert Cochrane, because he wanted to declare a sort of Holy War against the followers of Gerald Gardner, in the name of traditional witchcraft. This made no sense to me, because it seemed to me, and still does, that as witches, pagans or whatever we choose to call ourselves, the things which unite us are more important than the things which divide us".
We at the Centre for Pagan Studies adhere to this philosophy of Doreen's and as such completely support the Pagan Federation. For more infomation on how to join please go to Remember this is run by volunteers and is not for profit.


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